Done for You
They don’t trust me, I’m certain.
I don’t trust them.
You’re the only one I trust.
I think you’re the only one who trusts me.
The world is dark-
Fire seems to cremate it,
Blackness seeps in through cracks,
I am overhwelmed. And
Though I’ll never admit it,
I’m afraid.
Afraid you’ll die.
If I lose you, I couldn’t live.
I would lose myself.
You’re so peaceful when you sleep!
Would that I could find such peace,
Free from eerie nightmares,
From mistrustful people,
Free from fear.
Then, almost immediately, it becomes clear.
I must keep you safe.
You’re all that matters now.
And because of this fear
Of loss of you,
I take-am given-
A new name.
I do it for you.
poet's note: It's not about me. So who is it? Comments!
I don’t trust them.
You’re the only one I trust.
I think you’re the only one who trusts me.
The world is dark-
Fire seems to cremate it,
Blackness seeps in through cracks,
I am overhwelmed. And
Though I’ll never admit it,
I’m afraid.
Afraid you’ll die.
If I lose you, I couldn’t live.
I would lose myself.
You’re so peaceful when you sleep!
Would that I could find such peace,
Free from eerie nightmares,
From mistrustful people,
Free from fear.
Then, almost immediately, it becomes clear.
I must keep you safe.
You’re all that matters now.
And because of this fear
Of loss of you,
I take-am given-
A new name.
I do it for you.
poet's note: It's not about me. So who is it? Comments!
Poet's Hint: it's not about anyone I know personally, either, and the speaker isn't me.
delalyra, at 6/08/2005 11:50 AM
Will nobody guess?
delalyra, at 6/10/2005 12:29 PM
I like most of the stanzas, but I think the second one could be stronger though I like the idea behind it. Or maybe it's just the first two lines that intro it, I love the poem though. Honeslty I don't know who it is, though. Sorry. :\
Anonymous, at 6/20/2005 6:21 PM
Yay! A comment! :D Thanks for the feedback, I'll work on it. I'm glad someone guessed. Since I don't think anyone else will, I'll tell: eh...wait. If you haven't seen Return of the sith, don't read on...
*spoiler alert*
*spoiler alert*
*spoiler alert*
*spoiler alert*
it's Anakin in the aformentioned movie.
delalyra, at 6/28/2005 10:06 AM
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